Each year during Medicare's Annual Election Period the prescription we're most asked about is Eliquis, a common blood thinner.

Without insurance, Eliquis costs upwards of $600 for 60 tablets. GoodRx is typically a solid option for expensive prescriptions, but it only lowers the cost to $573 with their "Gold Plan." The good news is that some Medicare Part D prescriptions plans cover Eliquis quite well. For example, the price drops for $657/month to just $47/month for the majority of the year under some Part D plans.
It's important to remember that not all Part D plans (or Medicare Advantage plans for that matter) cover Eliquis equally. Even with some of the most expensive Part D plans you might be looking at close to $300 for Eliquis most months.
We're happy to run a report for you and guide you to the Part D plan that best covers not just Eliquis, but all of your prescriptions. You can schedule a phone appointment with one of our agents at this calendar link (no costs, no obligations):